Unique collection of
Chinese glove and shadow puppetries
in the 19th and 20th centuries
Since 1976, the Théâtre du Petit Miroir has built an exceptional collection of 19th and 20th century puppets and Chinese shadows, survivors of the Cultural Revolution.
The collection consists of more than 300 puppets of different styles (threads, sheaths, rods, shadows) and Chinese opera costumes from all regions of China. The most beautiful pieces are the hand puppet heads of Quan Zhou, in Fu Jian province, sculpted by Jiang Jia Zhou, of which our theater has several dozen copies, and the shadows of Hua Hsien, collected by Professor Jin Zhe Lin and entrusted to the Théâtre du Petit Miroir.
In the press
" To discover. "
“A real collection that survived the cultural revolution. "
The world
“Dazzling hand puppets. "
“… A theory of totally stripped bare heads, reveals slender faces with almost Buddhist expressions… on the walls is a delicate frieze of characters, animals and exquisitely chiseled decorations. Chinese shadows mostly survivors of the Cultural Revolution. "
Lightning north
“ The puppets and other shadows on display are simply magnificent… This exhibition presented by the Théâtre du Petit Miroir is exceptional for its richness… The exhibition at the Théâtre du Petit Miroir… presents around thirty shadow panels and puppets that are all more original each other. The arrangement of the panels magnifies the subtlety of the colors and the richness of the movements. The shadows and the puppets on display really won over the audience. "
The voice of the North
“Going through the doors of the Petit Miroir theater means changing continents. After years in Asia, the Théâtre du Petit Miroir has set up its red and gold castelet and its fabulous collection of ancient Chinese puppets in Issy les Moulineaux. "
Collection of all the original illustrations by Claude Boujon
To compose an album, Claude Boujon first drew the images from a script he sketched out briefly. He liked to say:
"An idea passes and I catch it on the fly. "
It was not until the drawings were completed that he wrote the text of his story. What better way to convey this artist's emotion and good humor than to see his original drawings on display.