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Musical glove puppet and shadow play
The genius of the storytellers of The Thousand and One Nights is to have melted fate on the young Aladdin who asked nothing of anyone and to introduce at the same time as the good, the evil in the person of the magician. The latter will greatly complicate the task of our hero and will ultimately make him deserve this manna from heaven.
Premiered at the Théâtre National de Chaillot and presented in several puppet festivals, ALADIN has toured in France and has been hosted in Israel, Egypt, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Germany, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Reunion Island, the Persian Gulf countries and the South Pacific.

In the press
The Parisian
“The story is sure to delight young and old. "
“A beautiful puppet show. "
The Union of Soissons
“The public under the spell. A privileged relationship between puppets and children. "
“Puppets for this tale of One Thousand and One Nights which always enchants us with its humor and poetry. "
Indian Express
“The brilliance of the show made children dream. Aladin is a show full of action, humor, poetry, with dazzling costumes. "
National Mail
“An hour of pure entertainment that appealed to children and adults alike. "
Indian Express
“One of the interesting aspects of this show is the music: it combines traditional percussion with the synthesizer and modern computer-assisted music. "
“The puppet version of 'Aladdin' presented by the Théâtre du Petit Miroir included all the elements to make this show a great evening: there were lights, water, sound, fire. And tons of talent and drive. "
Asian Acte Ahmedabad
“The inert dolls came to life in an instant, as if magically moved, appearing, disappearing, changing, flying and fighting, perfectly suited to this fairy tale. "
Times of India
“An enchanting puppet show. The puppeteers delighted the spectators with their skillful handling of the puppets, the talented use of their vocal cords, as well as the visual and musical effects. "

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